
地 址: 泰安高新技术产业开发区凤天路
电 话: (0538)6202106 8925886
传 真: (0538)8925880 6202116
网 址: www.taishanmodtun.com

Enviroment Object

    Environmental objectives
    Morton oil company to state categorically: the world's most important natural resources is the survival of human beings and human environment, the protection of the environment is one of the company's core work. In order to obtain and maintain good health, safety and environmental performance, Morton solemn commitment to the society: environmental protection, rational use of resources, and commitment to sustainable development, and efforts to mitigate belongs, production and transport, storage and transportation caused pollution outside and actively improve oil quality, in order to assist in the achievement of the overall environmental objectives.
    The actual implementation is as follows:
    Friction solutions to provide customers with the negative environmental responsibility;
    To recover the resources and effective re-use;
    Enhance oil quality;
    We must actively prevent environmental pollution and, if possible, to reduce waste emissions at the source;
    Communication activities on our environment to our employees, suppliers, monitoring departments to promote environmental education and training, the establishment of the concept of environmental protection;
    Making business decisions, brand expansion move fully into account environmental management.

版权所有:(中美合资)山东莫顿润滑油制造有限公司 联系电话:(0538)6202106 6219756 传 真:(0538)6219756 6202116