
地 址: 泰安高新技术产业开发区凤天路
电 话: (0538)6202106 8925886
传 真: (0538)8925880 6202116
网 址: www.taishanmodtun.com



       山东莫顿润滑油制造有限公司是中美合作共同建立的润滑油制造企业。公司 集科研开发、生产加工、石化贸易、销售服务为一体,润滑油年设计生产能力10万吨。公司采用美国全套技术及配方,所有产品均采用欧、美等国优质复合添加剂 和国内外精炼高品质基础油复配调配而成;公司在国内生产、销售“莫顿”品牌的中高档内燃机油及各种工业用油及相关产品;其产品广泛用于汽车、机械、冶炼、 电力、矿山、化工、制药、纺织等行业;公司技术实力雄厚,除长期聘请国内外润滑油技术专家和顾问外,并拥有多名专业科技人员和优秀技工;公司于2006年 完成了国际ISO9001质量管理体系认证,质量监控设施完备、体系严密,所有产品均达到美国石油学会API/SAE和中国国家相关技术标准,产品质量稳 定可靠,产品不断升级换代,多种油品被评为优质产品,成为各种道路车辆和企业设备的指定理想用油。本公司于2008-2009年荣获全国质量诚信单位和全 国消费者满意单位。莫顿的销售服务体系目前在国内已形成广泛网络,经销商遍布各地。


        Modtun Lubricants Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Shandong Sino-US cooperation jointly established by the lubricant manufacturer. The company set research and development, production and processing, petrochemicals trading, sales and service as a whole, lubricants designed annual production capacity of 10 million tons. Company's full range of technology and formula used by the U.S., all products are used in Europe, America and other countries and domestic and international high-quality composite additives, high-quality base oils refined deployment of compound formed; companies in domestic production and sales, "Morton" brand of high-grade internal combustion engine oil and various industrial oils and related products. Its products are widely used in automobile, machinery, metallurgy, electric power, mining, chemical, pharmaceutical, textile and other industries; company's technology strength, in addition to the long-term hire foreign technical experts and consultants, lubricants, and has a number of professional scientific and technical personnel, and excellent mechanic; company was completed in 2006, the international ISO9001: 2008 quality management system certification, all products are up to the American Petroleum Institute API / SAE and China's relevant national technical standards, product quality stable and reliable, continual upgrading of products, a variety of oil has been rated quality products for a variety of road vehicles and business equipment, designated the ideal oil; The Company was awarded the National Quality 2008-2009 integrity unit and the national unit of consumer satisfaction. Morton's sales and service system is currently in the country has formed an extensive network of dealers everywhere.
    The company is located at the foot of magnificent Mount Tai, natural resources and rich cultural resources, transportation facilities, sincerely welcome you to Morton guest!

版权所有:(中美合资)山东莫顿润滑油制造有限公司 联系电话:(0538)6202106 6219756 传 真:(0538)6219756 6202116