About Xuanhe Ceramics Experience Hall
Xuanhe Ceramics Experience Hall is a handmade ceramics studio that integrates free creativity with leisure, entertainment, and professional teaching. The tools and equipment are complete, and there is personal guidance from a pottery teacher. Let you make your own works in a warm and happy atmosphere. Suitable for individuals, couples, parent-child interactions, club activities, friends 'gatherings, bachelor parties, etc. At the same time, we undertake customized services for personalized pottery crafts, decorative paintings, oil paintings and professional pottery training courses. The cultural development of the Handmade Pottery Experience Hall is of great significance. Ceramic civilization is a traditional civilization of our country. It has been carried forward in modern times and is constantly being widely conveyed. Therefore, from a professional perspective, ceramic information can spread and convey ceramic civilization. It plays a very key role, especially from the professional level and from the tasting of art works, allowing more ordinary people to feel the taste of art from it, allowing children to experience the artistic culture and the fun of hands-on. It has a very important effect and meaning to taste the flavor of art, a kind of cultivation of art in the days ahead, and a higher quality of civilization for the whole people.
  • Take clay as a teacher and learn enlightenment from pottery
    As the pace of social life accelerates, modern people's lives are under increasing pressure. Every day, they are burdened with various pressures from all directions, and they are physically and mentally exhausted. "One tension and one relaxation are the way of martial arts." Under pressure, it is even more necessary to rest and recharge your body and mind. Pottery allows modern people to gain tranquility by playing with mud. In the blending of mud and water, combining work and rest, and experiencing tranquility and balance, not only harvesting works, but also harvesting wisdom in life.
  • Let pottery enter thousands of households
    A strong boy makes a strong country. With the popularization of the Internet, children spend more and more of their holiday life watching TV and playing with mobile phones. This not only affects children's physical and mental health development, but also lays a big hidden danger for the future of society. Playing with mud is the nature of children. Engaging in pottery creation can make children lose their mobile phones and televisions and immerse themselves in the joy of hands-on and brainstorming. This has far-reaching positive significance to the family and society. Nizhiqu Ceramics is the first to lead the trend of "family ceramics" and is willing to contribute its part to the development of ceramics in China.