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Its direct business model, based on sweeping the global PC market has become one of the world's leading PC manufacturers. This magical stories on the Internet are rare, however, is Dell writing such a legend. But the saying goes, "the situation will be, clouds and rain date, after the PC market after several years of contention with the development, the focus began to change. Personal gradual saturation of the market and the enterprise market is becoming increasingly important, so that the PC market once again riding on a seesaw - you on my next between the opportunities and challenges attendant. In recent years, individual PC changes without mastiff later. Decline in hardware prices and the popularity of computers and the Internet, the personal PC market showing curing mode. However, the enterprise market has gradually reflects the accumulation effect. More and more enterprises begin to need IT services, not only that, for the enterprise unique and customized solutions became favorable for the enterprise. With the changing market demands, Dell is also changing. Thus, the adjustment of the direct sales model, and establish channels to build a distribution system, and open new markets through acquisitions, will become the focus of the Dell transformation. How the market size of enterprise-class? What is the significance of the solutions from consumer PCs to provide?

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