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Use Nicebox to design a website for free
发布时间:2013-01-15 浏览:

WYSIWYG type of tools due to the current more and more, more and more easy to use, so web pages has become an easy task, and is not to hand-write the source code line by line as. After a brief general Beginners can learn how to make a web page, so that the pages they create a very simple, hurry make your own website, but do it with someone else after one to, only to find their website very rough, which is why it? As the saying goes: "Eat Hot Tofu impatient." Build a website like building a building, as it is a systematic project, has its own specific workflow, you only follow this step, step by step step by step, to design a satisfactory site.

First, determine the theme of the site

theme of the site that you build the site to be included in the main content, a site must have a clear theme. Especially for personal websites, so you do not like the contents of large and comprehensive site, all-inclusive. You do not have this capability, nor the energy, it is necessary to identify a most interested in their own content, so deep, so thoroughly, to do its own characteristics, so as to impress the user. The theme is no fixed site, as long as you're interested in, anything can be, but the theme should be clear, within the theme of your content so large and fine and deep.

Second, the collection of materials

clear theme of the site after you have started to collect material around a theme. As the saying goes: "make bricks without straw." To get your own website flesh and blood, can be attracted users, you have to try to collect materials, more materials collected, make the site more easily later. Material either from books, newspapers, CDs, multimedia come on, you can also collect from the Internet, and then collect the materials Qucuqujing, Quweicunzhen material as their own web pages.

Third, the planning website

success of a website designed to be largely determined by the level designer's planning, building planning website as designers, as well the design drawings in order to build a beautiful building. Site plan includes a great many things, such as site structure, part of the setting, the site style, colors, layout, text, images use, etc., you have only the web pages before these aspects are taken into account in order in the production very much at home , with confidence. Only such a production out of the pages in order to have personality, distinctive, attractive. How to plan a specific content of each site, we will detail below.
Fourth, select the appropriate authoring tools

Although the choice of what kind of tool does not affect your web design is good or bad, but a powerful, easy to use software can often play a multiplier effect. Web production tools are more involved, starting with Web authoring tools, and now most users are used WYSIWYG editing tools, which were of course the excellent Dreamweaver and Frontpage, and if a beginner, Frontpage2000 is first choice. In addition, there are photo-editing tools such as Photoshop, Photoimpact, etc.; animation tools such as Flash, Cool 3d, GifAnimator etc.; there web page special effects tools, such as sound and color, etc., there are many of these online software, you can flexibly according to need. You can also select more complete intelligent website tools such as Jianzhan treasure box.

five, web pages With

materials, tools selected, the following will need to follow step by step plan to put their ideas into reality, this is a complex and meticulous process, must be in accordance with the first big small, after briefly complex for production. The so-called after the first big small, that in the production of web pages, the first major structural design is good, and then gradually improve the structure of a small design. Briefly after the so-called complex, is to first design a simple content, then the design of complex content, so that there is a problem to Modify. In the production of web pages to be more flexible use of templates, which can greatly improve production efficiency.

six, upload test

web production is completed, the last to be published to the Web server to be able to make friends around the world watching, and now there are many upload tools, some web authoring tool itself with the FTP function, use FTP tools, you can easily apply to their own websites to the home page stored on the server. After uploading sites, you have to open the browser your site, page by page-by-link test, identify problems, be revised, and then upload the test. All testing is completed you can tell your site to a friend, to enable them to browse.

seven, promotional

pages do, we will still continue to carry out publicity, so as to let more friends know it, to improve the site visit rate and visibility. There are many ways to promote, for example, to search engine registration, exchange links with other sites, adding advertisements chain.

eight, maintenance updates

website to pay attention to regular maintenance updates to keep content fresh, not a place where you do the same, and only continue to add new content to it, it can be attracted visitors.

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