Professional build high-end beauty &skin care service brand. The company is the characteristics of both beauty salon and the function of the hospital, for each customer custom-made personalized skin care solutions. Company's technical adviser team by once served as the White House science adviser to participate in the world, skin testing standard for leadership, management and operation team, service team all by experienced high-quality talents, the employee of the company average degree among all counterparts in China. Professional build high-end beauty &skin care service brand. The company is the characteristics of both beauty salon and the function of the hospital, for each customer custom-made personalized skin care solutions. Company's technical adviser team by once served as the White House science adviser to participate in the world, skin testing standard for leadership, management and operation team, service team all by experienced high-quality talents, the employee of the company average degree among all counterparts in China. Professional build high-end beauty &skin care service brand. The company is the characteristics of both

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